Department Responsibilities
Department Responsibilities

The primary responsibilities of the department include developing strategies, mechanisms, and procedural steps necessary for implementing the educational quality management system and total quality at the university, in alignment with the standards set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Additionally, the department prepares evaluation reports for all university divisions to assess strengths and weaknesses in resources, academic programs, and services, while proposing appropriate solutions to address challenges through periodic improvement plans and monitoring their implementation. It also supports the development of colleges' academic programs and administrative policies to elevate graduates to a distinguished level, aligned with the standards of local, Arab, and international program accreditation, thereby enhancing the university's global competitiveness. Moreover, the department designs and oversees training programs aimed at achieving quality standards and fostering the professional growth of all university members.


Quality Assurance Division

Division Responsibilities:


  1. Overseeing the completion of quality-related tasks and coordinating efforts with quality division representatives in the university’s colleges.
  2. Preparing and following up on the minutes of the University Quality Assurance Council meetings, and ensuring their dissemination to the colleges for implementation.
  3. Monitoring and updating the university’s strategy in response to developments, with a focus on enhancing higher education strategies.
  4. Ensuring the implementation of the university’s plan for academic accreditation programs that improve the quality of the educational process.
  5. Managing the preparation and submission of files and forms for the national classification of the quality of Iraqi universities, tracking the results, and supervising the development and execution of improvement plans.
  6. Promoting a culture of quality by organizing seminars and workshops in collaboration with the Training and Technical Support Division.
  7. Enforcing periodic monitoring and follow-up procedures to ensure compliance with quality assurance standards and contributing to the preparation of self-evaluation reports.
  8. Proposing and monitoring university performance standards and quality control measures for key educational process components, including faculty, curricula, laboratories, infrastructure, and students.
  9. Establishing communication with institutions specialized in setting quality standards for academic institutions to facilitate the exchange of information with educational bodies. This includes comparing applied standards and working on adopting best practices to achieve those standards.
  10. Recommending and formulating procedures, rules, and guidelines to improve and enhance university performance, contributing to the assurance of overall quality.


Quality Assurance Division Units


Assessment and Self-Evaluation Unit 

  1. Conducting regular surveys to assess opinions on various components of the educational process, including student feedback on the educational process, faculty opinions, and periodic reports.
  2. Monitoring the preparation of self-evaluation reports.
  3. Conducting studies that reflect the university's reality and developing improvement plans based on international standards.
  4. Overseeing the preparation of work procedure manuals for all university divisions.


Academic Accreditation Unit:

  1. Promoting a culture of quality among faculty members, students, and all university staff, and raising awareness of the importance of implementing quality systems and academic accreditation.
  2. Monitoring the implementation of quality plans within the university to build an internal quality system that enhances the quality of the educational process.
  3. Conducting regular monitoring and follow-up to ensure the implementation of quality assurance and accreditation standards within the university.
  4. Applying international academic accreditation standards according to the specialization of colleges, institutes, and centers to obtain accreditation certificates from reputable institutions.
  5. Strengthening the role of quality assurance in the educational process.


Global University Ranking Unit:

  1. Tracking the university's position in global rankings.
  2. Reviewing global ranking methodologies and identifying best practices to improve the university’s standing.
  3. Collecting data from university divisions related to each ranking and adding it to the relevant online ranking portals.
  4. Gathering data and fulfilling the requirements of the Iraqi national ranking, as instructed by the Ministry, and coordinating with ministerial teams.


Laboratory Accreditation Division

Division Responsibilities: 

  1. Promoting a culture of laboratory quality among faculty and staff in university laboratories, while raising awareness of the importance of implementing educational laboratory quality standards.
  2. Supervising the implementation of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) standards, as envisioned by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for laboratory management.
  3. Ensuring a safe, comfortable, and suitable work environment for students and researchers in laboratories according to the requirements of each specialization.
  4. Conducting regular internal audits for all university laboratories in accordance with the international standard ISO19011 to verify compliance with GLP standards.
  5. Coordinating with relevant parties to organize training sessions for laboratory staff according to their specializations, and holding health and safety courses.
  6. Supervising the preparation of self-evaluation reports for all college laboratories, monitoring their performance, and developing improvement plans.
  7. Coordinating with the Laboratory Accreditation Department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority to develop and improve laboratory performance, aiming to achieve accreditation from specialized and relevant organizations.


Laboratory Accreditation Division Units 


Risk Management Unit:

  1. Aligning the risk management plan with the university’s strategic plan.
  2. Implementing and monitoring the risk reduction strategy in coordination with relevant parties.
  3. Conducting regular reviews of environmental changes to anticipate potential gaps in implementation and take corrective action when necessary.
  4. Identifying potential risks in administrative, financial, research, and environmental procedures, and establishing appropriate measures to mitigate their impact.
  5. Updating the risk management manual for all university divisions, prepared by the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department, to keep pace with developments.
  6. Raising awareness of risk management concepts through orientation and educational seminars and workshops for all university staff, aimed at identifying risks in the university’s administrative, financial, and research procedures and minimizing negative incidents.
  7. Proposing statements on low-impact and high-impact risks.
  8. Evaluating the risk management operations report.


Institutional Performance Evaluation Division

Division Responsibilities:

  1. Circulating evaluation forms from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
  2. Auditing evaluation forms and files for employees (leaders, faculty members, and staff), verifying the accuracy of attached documents and evidence.
  3. Submitting summary tables of completed evaluation files and returning them to the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority/Performance Evaluation Department in the Ministry within the specified timeframe.
  4. Conducting evaluative studies on certain urgent educational and scientific aspects of the university and providing successful solutions.
  5. Involving staff in theoretical and practical training courses, as well as participation in seminars and conferences related to university performance evaluation.
  6. Evaluating the performance of the university and its colleges, and taking necessary steps to assess the quality and level of performance.
  7. Participating in supervising a database of all university and college activities related to performance evaluation, with the aim of continuously updating it.